
Cronin wins again in Liverpool

Jun 30, 2024 11:12 By radiokerrysport
Cronin wins again in Liverpool
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Kerry's Kevin Cronin has beaten his opponent Serjii Ksendzov

He won on a points decision in Liverpool, 59-56

Kingdom Warrior shines on DAZN!!


Kerry boxer Kevin Cronin picked up his 8th professional win inside the boxing ring last night in Liverpool on DAZN against Germany based Serhii Ksendov.

From the get go Cronin looked to press the fight and take control. This was all very successful, Ksendov having very little success through the first 4 rounds with the Kingdom Warrior picking Ksendov off with back hands a nice controlled jab and some huge body shots taking the air from the German.
In round 5 the German looked to come out swinging knowing he was well down on the cards but less than 30 seconds of some small success from Ksendov and Cronin was back pressing the fight and breaking the tough German down.

The 6th was similar with Ksendov starting strong but Cronin weathered the small storm and came back to control the final round.
After 6 rounds the Kingdom Warrior was announced the points winner in a shut out!!


The post-fight interview on DAZN which was mainly some chat about the fight and training ended with the Kingdom Warrior making his next move very clear, he wants to face the only man to hold a win over him in the professional ranks. Cronin went on to say, "there is only one fight I wasn't, I want Jamie Morrisey next!!"

This will be music to the ears of boxing fans and sports fans in Kerry.

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