Kerry Today

€335,000: The Shedload of Money Spent on Leinster House Bike Shed – September 3rd, 2024

Sep 3, 2024 15:20 By radiokerrypodcast
€335,000: The Shedload of Money Spent on Leinster House Bike Shed – September 3rd, 2024
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Journalist Ken Foxe revealed after he submitted a Freedom of Information request that it cost the Office of Public Works €335,000 to erect a bicycle shed at Leinster House. There is widespread incredulity over the amount spent. Comment line caller Helen, who’s a retired teacher, wondered about the process involved that led to such a costly spend. Helen recalls when her school sought additional resources for a child with special needs, that they had to get quotes from three different companies and had to go with the cheapest.

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