In Focus with Domnick Walsh

In Focus with Domnick Walsh | January

Jan 31, 2025 18:16 By Admin
In Focus with Domnick Walsh | January
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Domnick's Photo's of the Month

The Fenix family of Domnick St, Tralee are still in the shopping trade for all-most 100 years brother and sister Liam and Marie Fenix standing at the counter.. 24/10/01
Pic Domnick Walsh Photography ©

Listeners Photo's of the Month


With the Christmas festivities over the January horse 🐎 fair  on the first Thursday at Listowel brought a new beginning to 2025. Eamon Collins,right,and his grandson Shane travelled from Asdee hoping to buy fowl from trader David Kelly.(left).Yours Moss Joe Browne.

Hi Joe This is a photo of new Beginnings with the daffodils shooting up through the snow.!!! Keep up the good work Regards Joan Trant.


Hi Joe This is a photo of the Slieve Mish Mountains covered in snow a lovely sight to look at from Curraheen. Regards Joan Trant.


A Brisk Afternoon on Banna Strand taken Wednesday 8th January 2025 - John Clifford

Hi  Joe and Domonic


My choice for New beginnings I love this picture of a baby Robin. I watched them grow and fly away. The little Robin reminds me of Jack Nicholson ))).

The next one is of a baby Owl . I took this picture in Ballylongford. Not easy to take a picture of them. This baby was sitting on a fence screeching for its mom to come and feed it.

This time of year its lovely to see the new born calves

And to me every day is like a new beginning . So my final picture is the dawn of a new day. Sunrise from Beal strand at the mouth of the Shannon Estuary

From Ita Hannon

Listowel New Beginnings - Patrick Godfrey

Good morning Joe & Dominic.  Storm Eowyn will be forever imprinted in my mind.  The night was scary. No chance of a wink of sleep. All dressed & ready to fly. In all of my years , I never witnessed anything like it. Blessed candle lighting brightly & Holy water sprinkled as the hours passed John & I soldiered on . Thank God we are still here to face another day. Life is for living. Keep up the good work.  Agnes

Hi Joe and Dominic, Here are my 3 photos for this month- new beginnings

1.Mollys Cottage, what`s left of it!!,  in the Black Valley.

A much photographed location which I had never previously visited until I participated in an  outing 2 weeks ago with Killarney Camera Club

2. Frog Spawn

3. Minard Castle and a snow capped Carrauntoohil/Magillicuddy Reeks lookking across Dingle Bay taken Jan 5ththis year- A New Year and another new location  from where I had not previously taken photographs.So I was delighted to discover this spot which allowed me to shoot Minard Castle from above at a totally different angle to any I had taken previously

Regards and best wishes to you both for 2025

Noel O Neill

Hi Joe and Dominic

Having regard to your Jan theme of "New Beginning" I attach two photos.

First is of the iconic "Molls Cottage" and surrounding landscape in the Black Valley,looking bare and gaunt after the ravages of Winter.However the patches of sunlight on the mountain slopes show signs of a new beginning,and the remaining fragments of snow on top right signify the gradual departure of Winter's grip on the landscape.Second image shows the melting snow on the hillside over Inch Beach reflected symettrically on the wet sand on the beach,also signifying the departure of the cold Winter and the beginning of a brighter greener landscape to come.

Best regards to you both. Michael Kennedy, Waterside, Inch

Good morning Joe & Dominick, What a great start to the New Year having a great downfall of snow in Tralee. Regards, Deirdre Mangan

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