
Works to replace source of major water breaks in Kerry to begin next week

Aug 25, 2021 17:35 By radiokerrynews
Works to replace source of major water breaks in Kerry to begin next week
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Works get underway next week on replacing a Farranfore water pipe that regularly breaks and leads to the Tralee Killarney Road being closed.

The problematic trunk water main on the N22 is part of a network supplying water from Killarney to Tralee, Castleisland, Castlemaine, and surrounding areas.

The works will be carried out in evenings and at nighttime, and will begin next Monday, continuing until the end of October.


This section of trunk water main in Farranfore has burst numerous times in recent years.

This has resulted in homes and businesses being without water, and closed one of the county’s busiest roads, the N22 Tralee Killarney Road.

Irish Water, Kerry County Council, and contractor, Ward and Burke, are to replace the aging water main with modern pipes that will provide a more reliable water supply.


The works will be carried from 7pm to 7am Monday evening to Friday morning, resulting in the

N22 Killarney to Tralee Road in Farranfore having a one lane, stop-go system during those times.

The road will reopen fully during the day, and no works will be carried out over weekends.
The works will start next Monday and continue until the end of October.


An optional, alternative route that bypasses the works will be signposted.

Local businesses will remain open for the duration of the works.

A minimum of 48 hours' notice will be given ahead of any planned outages, and at this stage, there’s one planned outage in October.



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