
West Kerry disability centre not compliant in regard to protection against infection

Oct 25, 2022 09:25 By radiokerrynews
West Kerry disability centre not compliant in regard to protection against infection
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An inspection of a West Kerry disability centre found it was not compliant in regard to protection against infection.

The Health Information and Quality Authority carried out an unannounced inspection at Camphill Community Dingle on July 6th.

This inspection was focused on infection prevention and control (IPC).


The inspector found that while large parts of the centre were seen to be homelike, well-furnished and clean, particular areas required improvement from an IPC perspective.

It found improvement was needed across a range of areas including having monitoring systems in place to identify all IPC issues, a review of the centre’s contingency plan was also needed and some PPE being used had passed its expiry date.

The inspector also noted that staff members demonstrated a good awareness around IPC practices and COVID-19.


They also outlined residents appeared happy and they interacted well with staff.

The centre’s put a compliance plan in place to address the issues referenced in the report.

The centre has completed a full review of its audit system and schedules, updated its contingency plan, further training has been provided for staff and all expired PPE has been appropriately disposed of and replaced.

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