
West Kerry disability centre in breach of several Health Act regulations

Apr 6, 2022 08:11 By radiokerrynews
West Kerry disability centre in breach of several Health Act regulations
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A West Kerry disability centre has failed to meet a number of Health Act regulations, according to the Health Inspection and Quality Authority.

Camphill Community Dingle was found to be in breach of regulations relating to staffing, governance and management and protection and infection.

This unannounced inspection, which occurred on January 27th, was carried out to assess compliance with the Health Act 2007.


The inspection found that the centre had a large staffing deficit, with less than half of what was outlined in its statement of purpose.

The five-resident centre was also found to be in breach of the governance and management regulation.

For a period in late 2021, a resident had been accommodated in a part of the premises that was not registered as part of the designated centre at that time, despite HIQA issuing a warning letter about this.


During the inspection, it was noted that the authority had not been notified about an allegation of misconduct relating to Camphill Community Dingle.

Under the regulations, such incidents must be raised within three working days.

The centre’s protection against infection measures were non-compliant as HIQA had not been notified of suspected cases of Covid-19 and equipment for specific areas of the house was observed not to be used correctly.


Management at the centre has committed to a range of measures to meet compliance, including a rolling recruitment process and the provision of HACCP training for staff.

Residents, meanwhile, appeared to be content and comfortable in the centre while staff and volunteers were seen to interact with residents respectfully.

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