
Valentia Observatory records lowest monthly total of sunshine for April

May 8, 2024 13:35 By radiokerrynews
Valentia Observatory records lowest monthly total of sunshine for April
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The lowest monthly total of sunshine was recorded in Kerry last month.

Just over 128 hours of sunshine were observed by Valentia Observatory in April.

According to Met Éireann’s monthly weather summary, just over 124 mm (124.2) of rain was recorded in Kerry in April.


This is 128% of Valentia Observatory’s Long Term Average (LTA).

The wettest day was April 5th, when 21.3 mm of rain was recorded in the Kingdom.

The highest maximum temperature was recorded on April 22nd, with 16.1 degrees Celsius.


The lowest minimum temperature was recorded on the 2nd of April with 4.3 degrees Celsius.

No days of frost were recorded in the county last month.

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