
Taoiseach doesn’t believe it’s right to make State apology for Ballyseedy Massacre

Mar 3, 2023 13:37 By radiokerrynews
Taoiseach doesn’t believe it’s right to make State apology for Ballyseedy Massacre
Photo: Lorraine Teevan
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The Taoiseach doesn’t believe it’s right to make a State apology for the Ballyseedy Massacre.

Commemorations are taking place this weekend to mark 100 years since the deaths of eight men outside Tralee.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was speaking on RTÉ’s PrimeTime last night, when he was asked if it’s time for a State apology  on Ballyseedy.


He said he believes what happened at Ballyseedy was wrong, and shouldn’t have happened.

The Taoiseach said it was one of the many atrocities committed by both sides during the Civil War, and he doesn’t think the right approach would be to have a State apology about one atrocity, but he added he’ll reflect on that.


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