
SVP Kerry says social welfare increase won’t make much difference to most vulnerable

Oct 10, 2023 17:11 By radiokerrynews
SVP Kerry says social welfare increase won’t make much difference to most vulnerable
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A representative from St Vincent de Paul in Kerry says the society would've liked social welfare to be increased further to help the most vulnerable in society.

Ahead of Budget 2024, St Vincent de Paul called for a minimum weekly adjustment of €27.50 in welfare rates to prevent an increase in poverty.

This afternoon, Public Expenditure Minister Paschal Donohoe announced there’ll be a €12 increase in weekly social protection.


Paddy Kevane from St Vincent de Paul Kerry says the increase is welcome but he feels it won’t make a huge difference:

It was also announced in Budget 2024 that a thousand Gardaí are to be hired.


Chief Executive with Tralee Chamber Alliance, Colette O’Connor has welcomed this.

She says having additional Garda visibility is the biggest deterrent of crime:


Meanwhile, Tralee Chamber Alliance CEO, Colette O’Connor also says there’s a significant amount of employment in Kerry.

However, she says it’s difficult to find people suitable to fill these the roles.

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