
SIPTU hopeful that Skellig Michael will reopen as planned next month

Apr 11, 2023 13:20 By radiokerrynews
SIPTU hopeful that Skellig Michael will reopen as planned next month
Skellig Michael. Photo: Valerie O'Sullivan
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The union representative for staff working on Skellig Michael is hopeful that the island may reopen to visitors as planned next month.

It follows an ongoing industrial dispute over the withdrawal of an offshore allowance for staff which has been referred to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).

Staff were informed that the Revenue Commissioners believed the country allowance - of €181.69 a week - did not comply with tax rules.


This is because workers weren't away from their base of operation, that is Skellig Michael.

Jay Power of SIPTU, which represents eleven affected staff, is hopeful the matter will be resolved and that Sceilg Mhichíl will open as planned on May 13th.

However, he says it's complicated by the fact that it involves not just his staff and their employer, the Office of Public Works, but also Revenue and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.


Mr Power is in Tralee today to meet with staff members who work on the UNESCO World Heritage site.

He is calling for the dispute to be resolved.





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