
RTB confirms landlords have to pay late fees despite failed attempts to register properties on time

Oct 25, 2022 13:09 By radiokerrynews
RTB confirms landlords have to pay late fees despite failed attempts to register properties on time
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Landlords in Kerry will have to pay late registration fees to the Residential Tenancies Board, even if they have tried to register tenancies on time.

The Residential Tenancies Board’s tenancy management system has come under heavy criticism in recent weeks.

Landlords in Kerry have told Radio Kerry they cannot get in touch with the RTB to register a property on time, and emails and calls have been ignored.


Yesterday, Mary Conway, Chairperson of the Irish Property Owners Association (IPOA), told Radio Kerry the RTB’s system is not fit for purpose.

Radio Kerry contacted the Residential Tenancies Board to enquire about the issues experienced by landlords in Kerry in using its system.

In response, the RTB says it recognises that many of its customers are experiencing issues with its new tenancy management system.


A spokesperson said the RTB acknowledges the level of service to date has not been acceptable, and apologised to customers for inconvenience to date.

It says the RTB has been working to address the issues raised, including doubling call centre staff since June and making changes to its customer service process.

The RTB says it is engaging with stakeholder groups, and will deliver a tailored programme to include information clinics to help landlords register tenancies.


Landlords who contacted Radio Kerry also expressed concern they will be charged fees for registering properties late, even if they have tried to register on time but couldn’t because the RTB has not answered their calls or emails.

Since April 4th this year, landlords must apply to the RTB to register a tenancy within one month of its commencement date and every year after this by that date.

In response, the RTB says it will refund all late fees paid for tenancy registrations that either started or were due on or after April 4th this year.


This means that landlords will still have to pay late fees incurred, but will receive them back, and the RTB says the refund does not apply to late fees accumulated prior to that date, or for student-specific accommodation.

The RTB wants to reiterate its commitment to improve support for landlords, and rebuilding the confidence of key stakeholders in the RTB and its business support systems.

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