
Results of latest litter survey of Tralee and Killarney are welcomed

Jan 4, 2022 13:08 By radiokerrynews
Results of latest litter survey of Tralee and Killarney are welcomed
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The results of the latest IBAL survey which have shown an improvement in the litter situation in Tralee and Killarney have been welcomed.

Both towns improved their position to be ranked 13th and 14th in the survey of 40 towns and cities, and were classed as "Clean to European Norms".

The Irish Business Against Litter survey which is carried out with An Taisce found that Killarney has been a consistent performer over many years.


Top ranking sites were named as Main St, Kenmare Place and Maurice O'Donoghue Memorial Park. The report found no seriously littered sites in Killarney.

It says that compared to a number of years,  Tralee has been inching its way up the league with a strong performance this time round. There were six top ranking sites and no heavily littered ones.

Top ranking sites included Manor West Shopping Centre, approach roads and the Mall which was described as particularly freshly presented and maintained.


Yvonne Quill of Killarney Looking Good welcomed the results but expressed a concern that the situation sometimes deteriorates at times coinciding with the return to school.


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