
Restrictions on travel from South Africa will impact on Kerry’s GP out-of-hours services

Jan 27, 2021 13:15 By radiokerrynews
Restrictions on travel from South Africa will impact on Kerry’s GP out-of-hours services
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Restrictions on travel from South Africa will have an impact on GP out-of-hours services in Kerry. That’s the view of GP Dr

Restrictions on travel from South Africa will have an impact on GP out-of-hours services in Kerry.

That’s the view of GP Dr Peadar Ó Fionnáin, the Green Party representative for Dingle.

He says our out-of-hours GP services are heavily dependent on South African doctors, who are keeping primary care services afloat particularly in rural areas.


The current immigration rules oblige foreign locum doctors to leave the State every 90 days for one month before re-entry; doctors from South Africa usually return home for this period.

Dr Ó Fionnáin has written to Green Party leader Minister Eamon Ryan to highlight the consequences of mandatory quarantine for these doctors.

The GP says a system needs to be devised to allow South African doctors to stay here:



Dr Peadar Ó Fionnáin has been in contact with the Department of Justice on the matter.


He says the department assured him they are to delay the visa restriction until April; this will allow South African doctors to stay here if they have a valid visa.


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