
Recounts underway at both counts centres for local elections in Kerry

Jun 10, 2024 11:27 By radiokerrynews
Recounts underway at both counts centres for local elections in Kerry
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Recounts are underway at both counts centres for the local elections in Kerry.

A full recount for the Kenmare electoral area commenced at 9am this morning at the Killarney Sports and Leisure centre.

The count was requested by Social Democrats candidate Tim Clifford.


Only two candidates had been elected for the area at the time the recount was requested.

Johnny Healy Rae had topped the poll and Michael Cahill had also exceeded the quota on the first count.

Meanwhile at the Tralee count centre a full recount for the Tralee electoral area is getting underway at 11.


The recount request was made by Thomas Mc Ellistrim when only 7 votes separated him and FF's Anne O Sullivan after the 14th count.

Earlier counts had seen the election of Mikey Sheehy, Terry O Brien, Deirdre Ferris, Paul Daly and Sam Locke. It appeared that Angie Bailey would take the 6th seat and that the final seat would be between Thomas Mc Ellistrim and Anne O Sullivan.

Both recounts are expected to take several hours but we will bring updates across the day.

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