
Progress on restoring Kerry freshwater pearl mussel populations a highlight of Biodiversity Working Group

Nov 25, 2020 17:53 By radiokerrynews
Progress on restoring Kerry freshwater pearl mussel populations a highlight of Biodiversity Working Group
Des Colhoun / A freshwater pearl mussel on the banks of the Spey. Photo: Wikimedia
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Progress on restoring freshwater pearl mussel populations in Kerry is a highlight of the Biodiversity Working Group. It oversees the National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-

Progress on restoring freshwater pearl mussel populations in Kerry is a highlight of the Biodiversity Working Group.

It oversees the National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2021, which seeks to ensure biodiversity and ecosystems in Ireland are conserved and restored.

Positive highlights of its work include the LIFE schemes; Kerry LIFE aims to support communities in the Caragh and Kerry Blackwater areas to restore populations of freshwater pearl mussel.


The details are contained in a new EPA report, Ireland’s Environment: An Integrated Assessment 2020.

It found the overall quality of Ireland’s environment isn’t what it should be, and the outlook isn’t optimistic unless action is accelerated.


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