
Plans needed now to meet future housing demand for older people in Kenmare

May 23, 2024 13:11 By radiokerrynews
Plans needed now to meet future housing demand for older people in Kenmare
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Now is the time to start planning how to provide bespoke housing for older people in the Kenmare area.

That’s according to John Daly, auctioneer and member of the board of Kenmare Community Board.

He was speaking as a report on the profile and development opportunities for the Kenmare area will be launched tomorrow by Minister of State with responsibility for Older People, Mary Butler.


John Daly says from his experience as a professional, the demographic and age profile buying in Kenmare is older than in most areas of the country.

He says planning a housing supply specifically for older people can take decades, and that needs to happen now so demand can be met in the future.

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