
Planning refused for Kerry counselling centre for rape and sexual abuse victims due to potential impact on bat species

Jul 5, 2024 08:10 By radiokerrynews
Planning refused for Kerry counselling centre for rape and sexual abuse victims due to potential impact on bat species
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An Bórd Pleanála has refused planning permission for a new counselling centre for victims of rape and sexual abuse in Killarney, because of potential effects on the lesser horseshoe bat.

The Board of Directors of the Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre had applied to build a new counselling centre at Reen on Ross Road.

Kerry County Council refused permission, and the centre appealed this decision to An Bórd Pleanála.


The Board has now affirmed the council’s decision, highlighting possible impact on a species of bat and the risk of flooding.

The Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, which is a charitable, non-profit organisation, applied for permission to construct a new centre, to include counselling rooms, offices, and associated rooms.

In its planning application, Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre said the purpose of this building would be to provide help and support to survivors and their families of rape and sexual abuse.


It wrote the provision of a more suitable centre has been an ambition and long-term strategy, and is a stated ambition in its strategic plans.

It says the nature of the centre demands confidentiality and privacy, and proximity to urban centres, and this location on land donated to the organisation is ideal.

Kerry County Council gave two reasons for its refusal of planning permission for the new counselling centre; these are the potential impacts from the lighting scheme on the lesser horseshoe bat, and what it called the risk of serious and recurring flooding from Lough Leane.


The Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre then appealed this refusal to An Bórd Pleanála, which has upheld the council’s decision.

An Bórd Pleanála writes it is not satisfied with the mitigation measures proposed to ensure the development, particularly the lighting, would not adversely affect the foraging/commuting routes of the lesser horseshoe bat.

It says this is not in compliance with the County Development Plan objective not to increase artificial light adjacent to lesser horsehoe bat roosts.


The board writes it’s not satisfied that the development would not give rise to an increased risk of flooding of the site or property in the area.

It also wrote it shared the inspector’s concerns in relation to the compliance with zoning for the site, as well as the design and siting of the development.

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