
Planning developer wins appeal against Kerry County Council

Aug 3, 2022 08:10 By radiokerrynews
Planning developer wins appeal against Kerry County Council
By Rwxrwxrwx - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
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A planning developer has won an appeal lodged against Kerry County Council.

IPH Killarney Holdings applied for permission to build a 32-housing residential unit in March 2021.

Kerry County Council granted permission for the development in January of this year subject to 36 conditions.


However, IPH Killarney Holdings appealed one of these conditions to An Bord Pleanála.

Kerry County Council instructed IPH Killarney Holdings to pay a contribution fee of 87,000 euro towards public infrastructure under condition seven.

The council stated it was an appropriate action in accordance with Section 48 of the planning Development Act 2000.


The company was required to pay 60 thousand euro to contribute to the upgrade of the Folly Stream, 19 thousand towards footpath improvement works, and 8 thousand towards public lighting infrastructure.

IPH Killarney Holdings appealed condition seven to An Bord Pleanála.

An Bord Pleanála revoked the decision; the planning body said the contributions sought are not specific exceptional costs.


The verdict revealed these works are provided for under Kerry County Council’s development contributions scheme.


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