
Planning appeal lodged on Killarney quarry

Aug 25, 2020 12:36 By radiokerrynews
Planning appeal lodged on Killarney quarry
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A decision to grant planning permission for the continued use of a quarry near Killarney along with an extension has been appealed. In July, Kerry

A decision to grant planning permission for the continued use of a quarry near Killarney along with an extension has been appealed.

In July, Kerry County Council gave permission subject to conditions to M.F. Quirke and Sons in relation to the site at Ballahacommane and Ardaneanig.

M.F. Quirke and Sons sought permission for continued use of the existing 23.4-hectare quarry at Ballahacommane and the extension of the quarry in Ardaneanig totalling 11.3 hectares for the extraction of sand and gravel.


Permission was sought for an operation life of 25 years; an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement accompanied the application.

Objections were lodged with Kerry County Council from multiple parties including local residents, Salmon Watch Ireland and An Taisce.

Among the concerns raised were an increase in dust, noise, traffic, vibrations, the proximity to houses and the potential impact on the environment and water courses.


Objectors also raised that An Bord Pleanala had previously refused an application relating to the site in 2010.

Kerry County Council granted permission subject to 26 conditions including that the permission would be limited to 20 years, all environmental mitigation measures would be fully implemented, there would be no discharge of quarry water and be set maximum levels for dust and noise.

This has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala which is due to decide on the case on December 7th.



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