
Plan to reduce unnecessary admittance of patients whose health worsens due to avoidable hospitalisation

Aug 3, 2023 13:31 By radiokerrynews
Plan to reduce unnecessary admittance of patients whose health worsens due to avoidable hospitalisation
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Some older people who are sent to emergency departments unnecessarily find the experience traumatic and it may contribute to a deterioration in their health.

That's according to specialist physiotherapist, Louise Galvin.

She's a member of a new service for Kerry aimed at reducing the numbers of older people being sent unnecessarily to emergency departments.


It’s also aimed at reducing congestion in EDs.

The Pathfinder service is designed to allow older people who are the subject of 112 or 999 calls to receive medical care in their homes instead of being taken to ED - if they don't need to be sent to hospital.

Pathfinder has been rolled out in other parts of the country where it’s been found that two thirds of patients seen under this system have received medical care at home rather than being brought to hospital.


Specialist physiotherapist with Pathfinder Kerry, Louise Galvin says it's better if this cohort of patients, aged 65 and older, who don’t need to be in hospital can be treated at home.

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