
Permission refused for north Kerry agricultural anaerobic digestion facility

Jul 13, 2020 13:20 By radiokerrynews
Permission refused for north Kerry agricultural anaerobic digestion facility
By Rwxrwxrwx - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
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An Bord Pleanala has refused permission for an agricultural anaerobic digestion facility. In March 2019, Kerry County Council granted permission, subject to 17 conditions, to

An Bord Pleanala has refused permission for an agricultural anaerobic digestion facility.

In March 2019, Kerry County Council granted permission, subject to 17 conditions, to Sandford Energy Limited to retain and complete the development at Dromkeen West, Causeway.

The proposed facility would process 14,000 tonnes of crops and cattle slurry to generate 500kW of electricity and provide biogas for local community buildings.


This proposed development included a pasteurisation/pump room, machinery shed, two digestion tanks, storage silo, and an ESB substation to complete an agricultural anaerobic digestion facility.

The council decision was appealed by several parties to An Bord Pleanala, which has refused permission.

The board said the applicant failed to demonstrate that the proposed development would be served by a satisfactory surface water drainage system.


It said this could give rise to pollution of adjoining land drains with adverse implications for water quality and, potentially, public health.

It said the development would be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

The board also pointed to the absence of a Natura impact statement and said it couldn’t be satisfied that the proposed development would not likely have a significant effect on the Lower River Shannon Special Area of Conservation or any other European site.



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