The OPW has published additional plans for the Feale/Cashen Estuary Drainage Project in North Kerry.
It’s proposed to install 16 pumping stations to deal with flooding and increased water levels, which are effecting drainage in an area that takes almost 700 houses.
The OPW says flooding and increased water levels are having a significant impact on land drainage adjacent to the Cashen estuary, which is south of Ballybunion and north of Ballyduff.
In recent years, there’s been higher and more prolonged flooding in low-lying areas that are drained by sluiced back drains in the River Feale Certified Drainage Scheme; there are 690 houses within this area.
The OPW’s preferred option to manage flood risk and drainage is to install 16 pumping stations (seven electric and nine wind driven; dredging was ruled out); these pumps would operate periodically, during the grazing period of March to October.
There’s already one pump in the scheme, on the River Brick at Rattoo, which is said to work well.
The OPW states the proposed pumps would enhance the existing drainage system, by pumping water from drainages channels on the defended side of the embankment into the river side.
Additional environmental surveys on wintering birds were required for the scheme, and these were carried out between December and March.
The OPW has now published the updated Natura Impact Statement, along the wintering bird survey results, detailed design drawings of the pump stations, a screening report, and a Construction Environmental Management Plan; these can be viewed online –
People can make submissions or observations relating to the likely significant effects of the proposed works on the Lower River Shannon SAC or Special Area of Conservation.
Submissions are now being accepted up until October 26th via email to [email protected]
Cllr Aoife Thornton, who’s part of the Local Cashen Drainage Group is appealing to people to make submissions.