
One-way trial around Slea Head will determine future of area's traffic management system

Jul 28, 2022 13:18 By radiokerrynews
One-way trial around Slea Head will determine future of area's traffic management system
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A long-term traffic management system may be implemented around Slea Head in the future.

That’s according to the Director of Services with Kerry County Council, John Breen.

Mr Breen says funding is available from Fáilte Ireland to create more access and pull in points, and extra coach and car parking around the West Kerry route.


He says the one-way trial is to examine whether a larger scale intervention is needed or if it’s a system that can be repeated on a continuing basis.

Mr Breen says any intervention must be carefully considered as the landscape is sensitive.

The one-way trial system will operate from this Friday (July 29th) to August 22nd; Mr Breen explains how they're gathering the data:




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