
Mother says North Kerry respite centre should have remained open at all costs

May 9, 2024 13:18 By radiokerrynews
Mother says North Kerry respite centre should have remained open at all costs
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A mother of a young adult with additional needs says a North Kerry respite centre should have remained open at all costs.

The four-bed Cois na Féile respite house, in Kilmorna, Listowel closed last February due to staffing shortages.

The Kerry Parents' and Friends' Association which had been running the service transferred its operation to the HSE as a result.


Despite several meetings, Cois na Féile remains closed.

Fiona Ahern, whose son has Angelman syndrome, says it's very distressing for families as there's no certainty as to when it will reopen.



In a statement Cork Kerry Community Healthcare says it’s committed to ensuring that the service at Cois na Féile resumes as soon as possible.

It says it understand the importance of respite services and regret the impact of this temporary closure.


The statement says a tendering process to identify a provider to service operator is still ongoing.

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