
Mid-Kerry nursing home found to be in breach of residents' rights

Jul 6, 2022 08:09 By radiokerrynews
Mid-Kerry nursing home found to be in breach of residents' rights
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A mid-Kerry nursing home has been found to be in breach of its residents’ rights.

According to a new report published by the Health Information and Quality Authority, Sonas Nursing Home Ashborough in Miltown also failed to meet infection control regulations under the Health Act.

This unannounced inspection happened on April 6th and found that the mid-Kerry nursing home failed to provide residents with adequate social stimulation and was therefore in breach of their rights.


The centre’s statement of purpose stated there was 60 hours per week spent on activities or with a recreational therapist, however, the report found that only 39 hours were accounted for.

The dining experience also required review, to ensure that mealtimes were a social event that enhanced residents’ quality of life.

Inspectors found a lack of action on behalf of management where suggestions or concerns were raised with them.


The report also says the residents’ laundry service required review as the current process interfered with their personal space and dignity.

Sonas Nursing Home Ashborough also failed to meet the infection control regulation as the number of cleaning staff at weekends was inadequate.

Some equipment, such as hoists and the medication refrigerator, were unclean while there was no clear process to separate clean and dirty linen.


The overall consensus from residents was that they felt happy and safe at Sonas Nusing Home Ashborough.


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