An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission for a 69 feet high mast in Listowel.
Kerry County Council had previously refused permission for the development at the Eir Exchange in the O’Connell’s Avenue/Convent Street area of Listowel.
Eircom Limited had applied for planning permission for the 21-metre-high telecommunications structure which also included antennae and dishes.
An Bord Pleanála found that the mast would have a negative impact on the townscape.
It also noted that the development would be close to Convent Cross, which has the status of an architectural conservation area.
The planning appeals board said the mast would therefore be contrary to the Kerry County Development Plan which seeks to preserve towns’ and villages’ architectural heritage.
An Bord Pleanála said the development would be a discordant and obtrusive feature in the area.
Eircom Ltd had outlined several reasons why An Bord Pleanála should overturn the council’s decision including that the 5G network must be expanded to ensure high-quality, high-speed service.