
Landowners reminded from today it’s illegal to burn and cut hedgerows

Mar 1, 2023 13:17 By radiokerrynews
Landowners reminded from today it’s illegal to burn and cut hedgerows
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Landowners are being reminded that from today it’s illegal to burn lands and cut hedgerows.

The Wildlife Act states the cutting, grubbing, burning or other destruction of vegetation growing in any hedge or ditch from March 1st to August 31st is an offence.

Individuals found burning or cutting during the prohibited period are liable to prosecution by the gardaí or by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.


Land that’s illegally burnt won’t be eligible for payment under area-based schemes.

Minister of State for Heritage, Malcolm Noonan says it's essential birds and mammals are given space and time to have the best chance at breeding successfully during this period.




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