
Killarney National Park marking 80 years of measuring rainfall

Jan 2, 2024 13:06 By radiokerrynews
Killarney National Park marking 80 years of measuring rainfall
Let the records show…80 years of records!  A total of 75 Inches of Rain recorded in Muckross for 2023 10 Inches in December alone!  Gerry Murphy is the Horticultural Supervisor, at National Parks and Wildlife Service, Killarney National Park. Photo: Valerie O’Sullivan
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Killarney National Park has been marking 80 years of measuring rainfall.

Records began in 1943 when the weather station at Muckross recorded 63-and-a-half inches of rain for that year.

A total of 75 inches of rain was recorded in Muckross last year.


The method measures rainfall by gathering water from a funnel; this method continued until 2019.

However, staff at the National Parks and Wildlife Service continue to record rainfall by this means, as well as by an automated system.

Gerry Murphy is the horticultural supervisor at Killarney National Park and he’s been measuring rainfall since 2019:


Muckross weather station marking 80 years measuring rainfall Gerry Murphy is the Horticultural Supervisor, at National Parks and Wildlife Service, Killarney National Park.
Photo: Valerie O’Sullivan
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