
Killarney councillors to write to TII to express dissatisfaction at handling of N22 bypass project

Feb 10, 2023 13:17 By radiokerrynews
Killarney councillors to write to TII to express dissatisfaction at handling of N22 bypass project
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Killarney councillors will write to TII to voice their dissatisfaction at the handling of the N22 Killarney to Farranfore bypass.

Elected members of the Killarney MD, hit out at Transport Infrastructure Ireland, due to the delays in the project.

A motion raised by Labour councillor Marie Moloney, at the recent meeting of Killarney MD, called for no further delays in announcing the selected route.


In November elected members of the Killarney Municipal District were told the draft option selection report for the N22 Farranfore to Killarney bypass was complete and peer reviewed by Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

However, it later emerged TII raised issues around the active travel and public transport aspects of the project.

Four potential routes for the bypass were announced over a year ago, but the final design hasn’t yet been agreed.


At the recent Killarney MD meeting, councillors hit out at TII for their handling of the project.

Labour councillor, Marie Moloney, said she was totally dissatisfied with TII and with their treatment of councillors.

Cllr Moloney raised a motion to write to TII, adding they need to stop moving the goalposts and confirm the proposed route.


Independent councillor, Brendan Cronin, echoed this, adding the lack of clarity is undermining the word of elected representatives with the general public and the whole situation has left a bitter taste.

Independent Cllr Niall Botty O’Callaghan called on Kerry County Council, asking if they knew in advance that the delay on the route was coming, why couldn’t councillors be updated straight away.

Cathaoirleach of Killarney Municipal District, Fianna Fáil councillor, Niall Kelleher agreed that a letter should be written to express the severe dissatisfaction of the councillors and said the time has come for TII to define it down to one route.
Cllr Moloney’s motion was seconded by Cllr Brendan Cronin.


Kerry County Council senior roads engineer, Paul Curry, responded saying the council is acutely aware the impact the delays have had and it was elected members right to write to TII or the Department of Transport if they choose to do so.

Mr Curry said the council are doing their level best to overcome the impass and have the emerging route corridor reduced to one final design.


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