
Killarney cllrs to write to Garda commissioner requesting second community policing superintendent

Jul 8, 2023 13:15 By radiokerrynews
Killarney cllrs to write to Garda commissioner requesting second community policing superintendent
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Killarney councillors will write to the Garda commissioner to request the appointment of a second community policing superintendent for the Kerry Division.

It follows a motion from Fianna Fáil councillor, Niall Kelleher at the recent Killarney MD meeting.

Cllr Kelleher says while he appreciates Kerry is a standalone division and not amalgamated with Cork or Limerick, every other division in the country has two community superintendents in place.


He added, it’s vital the appointment is made to the Kerry Division, as an area the size of South Kerry needs dedicated coverage.

Cllr Kelleher says such an appointment should be stationed in Killarney Garda Station. The motion was seconded by independent councillor, Niall Botty O’Callaghan.

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