
Kerry TD willing to take AstraZeneca vaccine to boost public confidence

Mar 19, 2021 13:16 By radiokerrynews
Kerry TD willing to take AstraZeneca vaccine to boost public confidence
Photo: Valerie O’Sullivan
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A Kerry TD says he is willing to take the AstraZeneca vaccine to help reassure the public that it is safe. Deputy Government Chief Whip

A Kerry TD says he is willing to take the AstraZeneca vaccine to help reassure the public that it is safe.

Deputy Government Chief Whip and Kerry Fine Gael TD, Brendan Griffin said he would be grateful to get the vaccine.

Deputy Griffin says the reopening of the economy is linked to the rollout of the vaccine, but he stresses he will wait his turn:


Meanwhile, Kerry Fine Gael TD Brendan Griffin thought a suggestion to make the Kerryman newspaper title more gender neutral was an early April Fools' joke.

Minister of State for Inclusion, Josepha Madigan, says the use of words like chairman, spokesman and fireman could be creating an unconscious bias.


The Fine Gael TD suggested changing gendered titles, including the Kerryman newspaper.

However, her party colleague, Brendan Griffin told Jerry O'Sullivan he disagrees:

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