
Kerry TD wants minister to disclose predictive grading model

Aug 22, 2020 13:10 By radiokerrynews
Kerry TD wants minister to disclose predictive grading model
Deputy Pa Daly, Sinn Féin. Photo By Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD
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A Kerry TD wants the Minister for Education to disclose details of the model of predictive grading being used in this year’s Leaving Certificate.

A Kerry TD wants the Minister for Education to disclose details of the model of predictive grading being used in this year’s Leaving Certificate.

Sinn Féin deputy Pa Daly says the model of grading to be used should be transparent to students in a normal year.

However, due to the exceptional circumstances this year, he believes the grades given by the teachers should be used without the bell curve being employed.


A bell curve is a line plotted on a graph, showing the normal spread of data or scores.

In the case of Leaving Certificate results, the highest point in the bell curve would show the average result the majority of students will get.

The lower ends of the curve show the highest and lowest results, which would be obtained by a small number of students.


Deputy Pa Daly says the use of a bell curve, and any model of grading, should be transparent to students in a normal year.

He says in this unprecedented year, to hold students to a bell curve is the wrong approach, particularly when the predictive model being used has not been disclosed.

Sinn Féin has made calls for the Minister for Education Norma Foley to disclose the full details of the model being used – and if it is a similar model to that employed in the UK, it should be discarded without delay.


Kerry TD Pa Daly says there are enough pressures regarding uncertainty over placement, schedules, and accommodation without students facing the consequences of downgraded exam results.

Simply put, Deputy Daly says the grades assigned by teachers should be used without any bell curve being employed.


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