
Kerry TD plans to introduce changes to Garda vetting process

Aug 14, 2022 16:25 By radiokerrynews
Kerry TD plans to introduce changes to Garda vetting process
Deputy Pa Daly, Sinn Féin. Photo By Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD
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A Kerry TD plans to introduce legislation to change the process of Garda vetting.

Pa Daly, who is Sinn Fein’s spokesperson on Law Reform, Equality and Integration, says the aim is to simplify the process for volunteers and workers.

Deputy Daly hopes to introduce a “Register of Generalised Consents”, which would allow multiple organisations vet an individual, without the person having to undergo the vetting process repeatedly.


He says the change would help volunteers and workers reduce “unnecessary bureaucracy” in an era where organisations are struggling for staff.

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