
Kerry TD calls out “horrible” lowering of the tone of politics in Ireland

Jun 18, 2024 13:16 By radiokerrynews
Kerry TD calls out “horrible” lowering of the tone of politics in Ireland
Photo: Kerry County Council
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A Kerry TD has called out what he says is a horrible lowering of the tone of politics in this country.

Independent TD Michael Healy-Rae was commenting in the context of recent election campaigns.

He says there’s been increased levels of online abuse and personal attacks on politicians and their families.


The Kilgarvan man says he’s really worried given the change in Kerry politics, adding it appears that people feel making outrageous allegations and crude statements is fair.

He says elections used to be fought in a fair manner in the county, with the issues that were important to the electorate being argued.

Deputy Michael Healy-Rae says a video posted on Tik Tok that included an image of his late mother was particularly hurtful to him and his family:


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