
Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre disappointed but determined after planning refusal for counselling centre

Jul 5, 2024 13:15 By radiokerrynews
Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre disappointed but determined after planning refusal for counselling centre
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The Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre says it will continue to try and provide a purpose-built counselling centre for Kerry.

It's after the organisation was refused planning for a new centre in Killarney, in part due to potential effects on the lesser horsehoe bat.

An Bórd Pleanála upheld the original decision by Kerry County Council to refuse permission for a new counselling centre on Ross Road in Killarney.


This is due to potential effects from lighting on the lesser horseshoe bat, and what it called the risk of serious and recurrent flooding from Lough Leane.

Vera O’Leary, manager of the Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, says the board is disappointed with this decision, but will look at what it can do.


Meanwhile, Vera O’Leary says more resources are needed to help with the rising numbers of people coming forward to report sexual abuse and rape.

She says the support needed has been underlined by recent, high-profile cases where female victims gave up their anonymity in order to provoke change.

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