
Kerry nursing home fails to notify HIQA about staff misconduct

Oct 12, 2021 08:11 By radiokerrynews
Kerry nursing home fails to notify HIQA about staff misconduct
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A Kerry nursing home failed to notify HIQA about an incident relating to staff professional misconduct.

The Health Information Quality Authority conducted an unannounced inspection in Willow Brooke Care Centre, a 52-resident nursing home on College Road, Castleisland. Willow Brooke Care Centre is a purpose-built nursing home and was registered in December of last year.

The HIQA inspector said there were eight categories of non-compliance across the 16 areas examined. The inspector said the number and skill mix of staff was not appropriate, considering the needs of the residents and the size and layout of the centre.


During the inspection, there were seven staff members providing care for 52 residents, while records also showed there were days when only six staff were rostered. HIQA said there were gaps in staff training: 44% of staff weren’t trained in infection control; over half the staff did not have fire drill training; nearly 60% weren’t trained in hand hygiene; and 72% did not have managing complex behaviour training.

The provider, Thistlemill Limited, had not established or maintained a directory of residence in the centre. The inspection found medication errors which occurred in the centre were not addressed appropriately and there were gaps in fire precaution regulations.

HIQA also said notifications had not been submitted for incidents which resulted in residents being hospitalised and there was no HIQA notification for an incident relating to staff professional misconduct. In response, the provider said agency staff were employed while permanent staff are being hired, further staff training has been organised, incident reports have since been submitted to HIQA and fire drills have been held. You can see the report here: HIQA Doc

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