
Kerry man wins Safety & Emergency Services prize at Volunteer Ireland Awards 2023

Dec 4, 2023 13:15 By radiokerrynews
Kerry man wins Safety & Emergency Services prize at Volunteer Ireland Awards 2023
Gary Coffey, Order of Malta Ambulance Corps Kerry - winner of the safety & emergency services award at the Volunteer Ireland Awards 2023. Photo from Order of Malta Ireland - Ambulance Corps - Killarney - Facebook page.
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A Kerry man has been recognised at the 2023 Volunteer Ireland Awards.

The annual awards honour volunteers from across Ireland and celebrate ordinary people doing extraordinary things in their communities.

Gary Coffey, who volunteers with the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps in Killarney, won the safety and emergency services award at the event.


He has been involved with the first–aid and medical services group since 2019, when he began as a cadet.

Mr Coffey, who studies full time and also works part-time; was honoured for his commitment to the Order of Malta Kerry Corps; and for his ability to take control of possibly dangerous situations in both individual and crowd scenarios.



In his nomination Gary was described as a person who “has countless hours under his belt, and nothing is ever too much for him. Particularly important to this type of volunteering, Gary’s calm and patient demeanor brings comfort to those sick or injured and he doesn’t get rattled under stress. Gary’s respect for his patients and his constant willingness to assist other young people, patients or volunteers, speaks to his deep understanding of people and their experiences. His chats put people at ease and is truly dedicated to his community and their wellbeing. From 2019-2022, he served as a cadet who then worked his way up to become part of the senior unit. His maturity and ability to take control of possibly dangerous situations is praised whether he be one-on-one with a patient or managing an entire concert crowd."

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