
Kerry had highest level of people re-offending while on probation orders in 2019

Jan 20, 2024 17:36 By radiokerrynews
Kerry had highest level of people re-offending while on probation orders in 2019
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Kerry had the highest re-offending levels nationwide among people who were issued with probation in 2019.

That’s according to figures in the CSO’s Probation re-offending statistics report for 2019.

It shows that in the year people who received probation orders relating to Public Order offences had the highest likelihood of re-offending.


According to the Central Statistics Office, nationally one quarter of people who received a probation order in 2019 re-offended within a year, the lowest recorded level since 2008.

Kerry had the highest rate of re-offending in Ireland, among people who were issued with probation that year, at 39%.

The figures show that 38 individuals, with Kerry as their county of residence, were issued with probation orders in 2019.


Of these, 15 people had re-offended within one year; while 23 had not.

This was an increase of 10 percentage points on the previous year, when 29% of people on probation in the county re-offended.

Meanwhile, The South-West region, consisting of Kerry and Cork, was the area with the highest level of one-year re-offending from persons who received probation in 2019, at 29%.


The West (consisting of Galway, Mayo, and Roscommon) had the lowest levels of probationers re-offending in a region in Ireland, at 18%.

Meanwhile, Roscommon (11%) and Mayo (12%) had the lowest one-year re-offending rate nationwide.

The highest number of persons linked to probation nationally were based in Dublin (35%); however, 23% of persons who received a probation order in the county in 2019 re-offended within a year.


The report shows the largest number of probation orders issued by the courts in 2019 were linked to referrals for Road and Traffic or Theft related orders.

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