
Kerry GP calling for more information on booster programme

Oct 27, 2021 13:04 By radiokerrynews
Kerry GP calling for more information on booster programme
Killarney vaccine Cnt getting ready to administer vaccines to the 65-69 age-group. - Pictured from the vaccine team were Kay O'Connor Firies Killarney and Hannah Healy from ~Killarney . Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD . Domnick Walsh Photographer is an Irish Aviation Authority ( IAA ) approved Drone Pilot. Tralee Co Kerry Ireland. Mobile Phone : 00 353 87 26 72 033 Land Line        : 00 353 66 71 22 981 E/Mail : Web Site : ALL IMAGES ARE COVERED BY COPYRIGHT ©
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A Kerry GP says there’s a lack of information on the COVID booster rollout for over sixties and healthcare workers.

GPs are giving boosters to over 80s who’re not living in residential care facilities, those with weak immune systems are being vaccinated in hospitals, while dedicated teams are vaccinating those in long-term residential care.

Dr Gary Stack, who’s based in Killarney, says the current advice is that people are not due a booster until at least six months after becoming fully vaccinated.


He says this means a lot of people in their sixties wouldn’t be due a booster yet anyway.

However, Dr Stack says he’s received no further information over the past three weeks on healthcare workers getting a booster.


In response to Radio Kerry, the HSE says the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) has recommended a booster dose of Pfizer be offered to those aged 60-79.

The HSE is currently planning how this rollout will operate.

An estimated timescale will be worked out during the planning stages.

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