
Kerry FF councillor justifies role in livestreaming of communions and confirmations

Jul 6, 2021 13:07 By radiokerrynews
Kerry FF councillor justifies role in livestreaming of communions and confirmations
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A Kerry Fianna Fáil councillor has defended his role in the live streaming of first communions and confirmations in recent days saying it was unclear when the ban on such ceremonies came into effect.

Two confirmation ceremonies took place at Clogher Church in Ballymacelligott on July 1st and two first communion ceremonies took place there over the weekend despite the Government saying they should not go ahead because of concerns around the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19.

The clarification on religious ceremonies followed the Government’s announcement that indoor dining would not reopen on July 5th.


The Diocese of Kerry said last Wednesday, June 30th, that communions and confirmations should not proceed from July 5th following the Government announcement.

It later said on its website that it had been advised that religious ceremonies such as baptisms, first holy communions and confirmations should not take place at this time.

The diocese says further advice will follow on resumption of these ceremonies when it is safe to do so.


Cllr Fionnán Fitzgerald, who was involved in the live streaming of the ceremonies in Ballymacelligott, said there was a lot of confusion around as to when the ban came into force.




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