
Kerry Cycling Campaign helps launch rural cycling strategy

Sep 24, 2020 13:19 By radiokerrynews
Kerry Cycling Campaign helps launch rural cycling strategy
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Lower speed limits, connected safe cycle routes and encouraging cycling to school. Those were among the eight key recommendations outlined in the Vision for Cycling

Lower speed limits, connected safe cycle routes and encouraging cycling to school.

Those were among the eight key recommendations outlined in the Vision for Cycling in Rural Ireland.

Junior Minister Malcolm Noonan officially launched the vision which called for rural communities to be cycle-friendly for all ages and abilities.


The document was drafted by several cycling groups including Kerry Cycling Campaign and calls on local authorities to be more strategic and proactive when it comes to cycling infrastructure.

Anluan Dunne of the Kerry Cycling Campaign says we need to shift the narrative that cycling is only an urban pursuit when it comes to commuting:

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