
Kerry among highest nationally for livestock attacks by dogs

Aug 15, 2023 13:14 By radiokerrynews
Kerry among highest nationally for livestock attacks by dogs
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Kerry has among the highest incidences nationally of dogs worrying livestock.

13 incidents were reported to Kerry County Council last year – the fourth highest in the country.

Nine of these related to attacks on sheep, three on cattle and one on poultry.


None of these reported incidences resulted in the livestock being maimed, killed or put down.

The figures are contained in the Local Authority Control of Dog Statistics Report for 2022.

Cork County had the highest number of incidences of livestock worrying with 64 reports, Mayo County Council recorded 24 incidences, Donegal had 16 reported attacks and Kerry had the fourth highest number with 13 – the total national figure was 268.


Livestock worrying is when a dog or dogs attack or chase livestock on agricultural land.

The number of incidences of such attacks as reported to Kerry County Council have remained fairly constant in recent years – in 2019 there were 16 complaints made to the local authority, in 2020 the figure was 15, and in 2021, the number of reports of livestock worrying made to Kerry County Council stood at 12.


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