
John O'Donoghue retains his seat and takes 3rd seat in Killarney LEA

Jun 9, 2024 18:32 By radiokerrynews
John O'Donoghue retains his seat and takes 3rd seat in Killarney LEA
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Kerry Independent Alliance John O’Donoghue has retained his seat and been elected to the Killarney LEA on the second count.

In count 2 we saw the distribution of Maura Healy-Rae’s surplus of 1,600 votes, as it’s the largest surplus.

John O’Donoghue was co-opted onto Michael Gleeson’s seat on the council following his retirement in 2021.


John O’Donoghue received 1,574 first-preference votes and secured an additional 238 votes from Cllr Maura Healy-Rae’s surplus which brought him up to 1,812 votes.

The quota was 1,785.

Independent councillor Maura Healy-Rae and Independent councillor Martin Grady were both elected to the Killarney Local Electoral Area in the first count.


Martin Grady’s surplus of 268 votes will be distributed now in count 3.

John O’Donoghue has secured the third seat after the second count in the Killarney LEA

John O’Donoghue has secured the third seat after the second count in the Killarney LEA

Posted by Radio Kerry on Sunday, June 9, 2024

Count 2 results:

Abdul Kadir, Kamaruzzaman (Non-Party) - (+14) 198


Cronin, Brendan (Non-Party) - (+276) 1,699

Griffin, Diarmaid (Green Party) - (+30) 359

Healy, Dermot (Fine Gael) - (+97) 750


Kelleher, Niall (Fianna Fáil) - (+333) 1,640

Kenneally, Caroline (Sinn Féin) - (+60) 308

Krasnenkova, Natalia (Non-Party) - (+10) 156

Leen, William (Non-Party) - (+8) 28

Mahmud, Iqbal (Non-Party) - (+12) 316

McGuckin, Diarmuid (Non-Party) - (+5) 17

Moloney, Marie (Labour) - (+208) 1,252

O’Callaghan, Niall Botty (Non-Party) - (+228)  1,384

O’Connor, Alan (The Irish People) - (+11) 112

O’Donoghue, John (Kerry Independent Alliance) - (+238) 1,812

Switzer, Damien (Sinn Féin) - (+70) 409

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