An MEP for Ireland South says the planning system will prevent us reaching the 60,000 homes per year target required to stabilise the housing market.
Fianna Fáil's Billy Kelleher has called on the incoming government to radically overhaul the planning process.
He says to address the housing crisis effectively, the new government must reform and streamline planning laws, and eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens.
MEP Kelleher says it takes longer to get planning permission in Ireland than to physically construct the homes.
He claimed Ireland gold-plates EU regulations, adding extra layers to European laws, and making us more lethargic, bureaucratic and onerous than other EU member states.
He insists this excessive regulation is an Irish decision, not an EU one, adding other member states apply European regulations in ways that are not as burdensome as in Ireland.
The Cork man also believes these planning delays jeopardise crucial infrastructure investments.