
IPAS residents tell health watchdog they feel safe and respected in Tralee centre

Nov 28, 2024 17:24 By radiokerrynews
IPAS residents tell health watchdog they feel safe and respected in Tralee centre
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Residents at an IPAS centre in Tralee have told the health watchdog they felt safe and listened to in the centre, and are treated with dignity and respect.

The Health Information and Quality Authority carried out an unannounced inspection in Atlas House over two days in July.

The centre was found to be compliant or substantially compliant across all areas assessed in the inspection.


Atlas House is an accommodation centre in Tralee town centre for people seeking international protection, with capacity for 100 people across 55 bedrooms.

The centre had 94 single male residents at the time of the inspection, which took place over two days in July.

The Health Information and Quality Authority’s inspectors found the service was providing safe and comfortable accommodation that met residents’ needs.


HIQA notes that residents who spoke with inspectors expressed satisfaction with the service, were complimentary of the accommodation and the level of support they received.

Residents told inspectors they felt safe living in Atlas Tralee, that staff treated them with dignity and respect and that they felt listened to.

They also told inspectors how they could lead independent lives, and HIQA noted many are working in the local community, or are engaged in education or voluntary work.


Inspectors noted a lively atmosphere in the reception area, with residents greeting each other and staff in a familiar and friendly manner, and staff knew residents well.

Inspectors also found staff spoke respectfully of residents and it was evident they were committed to providing a safe and comfortable space for residents, while they also felt supported by management.

HIQA noted there were some areas that required improvement to fully meet standards, including training and staff supervision, but the centre was managed well on a day-to-day basis and was providing a safe and person-centred service.


Other minor issues included some visibly dirty bathrooms which were fitted with unsightly padlocks, but the centre was compliant or substantially compliant in all categories inspected.


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