
IDA Ireland hosted one virtual site visit to Kerry during nine-month period in 2021

Feb 8, 2022 08:05 By radiokerrynews
IDA Ireland hosted one virtual site visit to Kerry during nine-month period in 2021
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IDA Ireland hosted one online site visit over a nine-month period last year, in an effort to showcase Kerry for potential investment.

The state body says each region nationwide has its own investment targets; the South West Region, comprising Cork and Kerry, aims to have 118 investments over a three-year period.

The agency has accommodated potential investors through online site visits during the pandemic.


Following a query from Fine Gael deputy Brendan Griffin, IDA Ireland said over the first nine months of the year it hosted one virtual site visit showcasing Kerry as an area for potential investment.

During 2020, one virtual visit was facilitated, along with five in-person visits in 2019.

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