
ICMSA believes recent herd thefts linked to illegal hunting gangs who are organising raids

Feb 15, 2023 13:39 By radiokerrynews
ICMSA believes recent herd thefts linked to illegal hunting gangs who are organising raids
Image from the theft of An Aberdeen Angus in-calf cow, heifer and four weanlings in Ballyduff.
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Recent herd thefts may be linked to illegal hunting gangs who are scoping out the area to organise raids.

That’s the view of deputy president of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers' Association (ICMSA) Denis Drennan.

An Aberdeen Angus in-calf cow, heifer and four weanlings were stolen from Ballyduff in the early hours of Monday morning; other thefts of livestock and farm machinery were reported around Kerry in December and January.


The ICMSA had a meeting with the Department of Justice, An Garda Síochána and the National Parks and Wildlife Service about these crimes.

Denis Drennan says there seems to be confusion on the exact powers responding Gardaí can deploy in trespassing cases.

He says farmers need clarity on what action can be taken in such incidents:



Image from the theft of an Aberdeen Angus in-calf cow, heifer and four weanlings in Ballyduff:



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