
HSE reverses decision on placements for vaccine refusal students at MTU

Apr 14, 2021 08:48 By radiokerrynews
HSE reverses decision on placements for vaccine refusal students at MTU
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The decision to no longer offer the AstraZeneca vaccine to those under 60 has meant a temporary reversal of a ban on placements for healthcare students who refused to take the vaccine.

A number of healthcare students in the Kerry campus of the Munster Technological University have not consented to COVID-19 vaccines offered to them and were due not to be offered placements at HSE facilities as a result.

In a letter to third-level institutions late last month, the HSE's Chief Clinical Officer Dr Colm Henry said the bans on placements for students who refuse the vaccine are necessary for the safety of patients, staff, and students.


Higher education institutes were instructed from April 1st to apply this policy to all student placements in HSE facilities.

In a letter to higher education institutes on Monday evening, Dr Henry advised that students who have not taken the vaccine may continue in HSE facilities, subject to following public health guidelines and infection prevention and control.

Dr Henry said he would be providing a further update to the Institutes as soon as possible on the issue.


A small number of students at the MTU Kerry campus had supported the HEI Consent Group.

The group's statement said members felt pressurised to take the vaccine and that this went against the practice of informed consent.


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