
HSE acknowledges 240 families affected by Kerry CAMHS controversy

Feb 28, 2022 17:48 By radiokerrynews
HSE acknowledges 240 families affected by Kerry CAMHS controversy
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The HSE has acknowledged 240 families have been affected by the Kerry CAMHS controversy.

This was relayed to the group representing families, during a meeting with Chief Officer with Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, Michael Fitzgerald.

The Kerry CAMHS Family Support Group says the HSE has acknowledged that 240 young people have been affected, and they’re the focus of the HSE, not just 46.


The Maskey report had found significant harm was caused to 46 children under the care of one doctor in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, with 227 put at risk of serious harm.

The HSE is investigating different ways of the affected young people accessing therapies, including private services.




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