
Group reviewing case of Jadotville soldiers asks for extension to complete work

Mar 29, 2021 12:15 By radiokerrynews
Group reviewing case of Jadotville soldiers asks for extension to complete work via Irish Defence Forces
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The group reviewing whether medals will be awarded to the Irish soldiers who survived the Jadotville Siege have asked for an extension. The six-member

The group reviewing whether medals will be awarded to the Irish soldiers who survived the Jadotville Siege have asked for an extension.

The six-member group was established in November by then-Minister for Defence Simon Coveney, to decide whether medals of gallantry should be awarded to the soldiers.

The late Colonel Patrick Quinlan of Caherdaniel led the men as part of a UN peace-keeping mission in Congo in 1961, when they were attacked by 3,000 soldiers led by French and Belgian mercenaries, and held captive for over five weeks.


The men survived but when returned home were treated as cowards, and weren't approved for medals at the time.

According to reports, the independent group has asked for more time to carry out its review because of the volume of work involved.

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